And Integrity
Our Mission
The mission of the Barbados Audit Office is to contribute to public accountability by providing assurance and information to Parliament and the people of Barbados about the effectiveness of public sector financial management and use of resources.
Message from the Auditor General
The Barbados Audit Office is currently at a pivotal stage in its development. The Office has traditionally been responsible for the audit of the accounts of all Ministries and Departments and a number of statutory bodies.

We Serve The People
Of Barbados
The Office of the Auditor General of Barbados is an independent audit office serving Parliament and the people of Barbados. We conduct financial audits of the government’s financial statements (public accounts). In doing so, the Barbados Audit Office assists Parliament in holding the government and its administrators accountable for the administration’s stewardship of public funds. The Barbados Audit Office thus contributes to better-managed government programs and better accountability to Parliament and the public.