Meet our Team
The Audit Office currently has seventy-five (75) established posts and is headed by the Auditor General – Mr. Leigh Trotman. Staff positions in the office include Professional Auditors, Senior Auditors, Auditors and other support staff.

Leigh Trotman BSc (Hons), CPA, CMA
Auditor General
Mr. Leigh Trotman was appointed to the post of Auditor General of Barbados in 2006. Prior to his appointment he served in the post of Deputy Auditor General for eight years. He also served as Chief Accountant in the Ministry of Finance & Economic Affairs.
Mr. Trotman is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) and also holds an honours bachelors degree in Public Administration.
Mr. Trotman has served on the Executive Council of the CAROSAI, the regional umbrella body for public sector Auditors in the Caribbean. He has also served on a number of bodies advocating reform of Government’s financial management system and has been in the forefront of modernization of the audit process and systems in the Audit Office.

Linda Carter MBA, FCA, CPA, CGA
Deputy Auditor General
Mrs. Linda Carter was appointed Deputy Auditor General in August 2018. Prior to this appointment she was employed as a Professional Auditor for over ten years with responsibilities for a number of major high risk audits. Mrs. Carter has over twenty – five years’ experience in accounting and auditing in the Public Sector.
Mrs. Carter is a Certified Public Accountant having qualified as a Certified General Accountant in 1998. She was named Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Barbados in 2011 and she earned a Master of Business Administration from the Heriot Watts University in 2012.
In July 2014 Mrs. Carter was accredited as a Facilitator of the International Association of Supreme Audit Institution (INTOSAI) Development Institute Professional Standards Committee. Previously, she was also instrumental in assisting in the creation of manuals on Quality Assurance and Risk Based Approach to Financial Auditing.

Vincia Thomas BSc, FCCA
Professional Auditor
Mrs. Vincia Thomas has over fourteen years of audit experience. She entered the office as a junior officer was later appointed as a Senior Auditor before being elevated to the post of Professional Auditor. Mrs. Thomas is also experienced in accounting and finance having spent ten years in this area.
Mrs. Thomas has been responsible for both financial and compliance audits and has contributed to the development of officers in both these areas. She has been involved with the audits of a number of public sector entities, including government ministries and departments and the audit of the financial statements of Central Government.
Mrs. Thomas has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounts from the University of the West Indies – Cave Hill Campus and is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

Crasandra Harewood FCCA
Audit Manager Value for Money (Performance) Audits
Mrs. Crasandra Harewood began her career in the area of accounting. She joined the Office of the Auditor General in 2009 as Senior Auditor and was subsequently promoted to Audit Manager in 2016. Mrs. Harewood has responsibility for auditing programs, functions, operations, management systems and procedures of Government owned and controlled entities, to assess whether the entity is achieving economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the employment of the available resources.
Mrs. Harewood is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. She was attached to the Office of the Auditor General of British Columbia during the period 2010 – 2011 as part of the International Legislative Audit Assistance Program for Improved Governance and Accountability sponsored by the Canadian Comprehensive Auditing Foundation (CCAF-FCVI) and is recognized as an International Fellow.

Natalie Chase BSc, MBA, MSc (Dist), CISA
Professional Auditor (Information Technology)
Mrs. Natalie Chase has worked in the field of Information Technology for over ten years and has an in-depth knowledge of the primary applications which support the Government’s financial and human resources operations.
Mrs. Chase was appointed Principal/Professional Auditor (Information Technology) in 2017. In this capacity she manages the technological infrastructure of the Office and has responsibility for information technology audits which examine the various ICT systems across the Public Sector to ensure their security and effectiveness.
Mrs. Chase holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science from the University of the West Indies – Cave Hill Campus, a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Leicester, a Master of Science in Cyber Security from the University of Liverpool and is CISA Certified.

Maria Odle-Manns BSc (Hons)
Office Administrator
Mrs. Maria Odle-Manns was initially appointed to the Office of the Auditor General in the position of Auditor I and has over twenty years’ experience in Financial and Compliance Audits. Ms. Odle-Manns was subsequently promoted and is currently the Office Administrator with responsibility for the supervision of all pension audits, management of the Office’s administrative, personnel and accounting functions.
Mrs. Odle-Manns, is pursuing a certification with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Public Sector Management with honors from the University of the West Indies – Cave Hill Campus. Mrs. Odle-Manns was also trained in auditing controls as they relate to information technology.